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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-05-11 阅读:




一. Listen and number(同学们,学习英语,我们会有许多新朋友,你都认识他们了吗?根据听到的内容,给他们排排队吧!)(16)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


三 听录音,选出你所听到句子,把编号填在括号里。(14)

( )1、A、Good morning. B、Good bye. C、Goodafternoon.

( )2、A、Ok! B、Here it is. C、Nice to meet you

( )3、A、Hi, Chen Jie! B、This is Mike. C、Me too!

( )4、A、Wow! B、See you. C、bye!

( )5、A、Nice to meet you ,too. B、Hi C、How are you?

( )6 A、Touch your head. B、Touch your ear.

( )7A、This is the arm. B、This is the leg.



( )1、A、foot B、body C、bag

( )2、A、blue B、hello C、yellow

( )3、A、nose B、ear C、pen

( )4、A、eraser B、hand C、pencil box

( )5、A、this B、dog C、cat


1、head 2、eye 3、leg 4、arm 5、ear 6、foot 7、mouth 8、hand

三、填空 从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(18)

( )1 --- What’s your name?

---- ________.

A. My name’s Bai Ling. B. This is Bai Ling.

( )2 --- How are you?

--- ________.

A. Fine,thank you. B. Thanks C. Me too.

( )3-- I have a pencil.

--- ___________

A. Goodbye. B. Me too. C. OK.

( )4.--- Nice to meet you.

--- .

A. Nice to meet you,too. B. I like green. C. Me too.

( )5--- Colour it _____.

A. blue B.crayon C. pencil

( )6--- Good morning!

--- ___________

A. Good morning B. Good afternoon. C. OK.

( )7---________?

--- I’m Sarah.

A. How are you B.What’s your name? C. This is Sarah.

( )8---Goodbye,Miss Green.

--- __________

A. Thanks. B.Bye. C. Great.

( )9---I have ____ruler.

A.leg B.a C.an


( ) 1.Goodbye? A Me too.

( ) 2. What is your name? B. Bye

( ) 3. hello C. I `m Zip.

( ) 4. I have an eraser. D. Hi


1Sarah 2zoom 3chenjie 4mike 5wuyifan 6miss white

7John 8Mr.Jones

1 bag is blue 2 pencil is red 3 hand is brown 4 book is green

5ear is orange

1Goodafternoon. 2nice to meet you 3Hi, Chen Jie! 4Bye 、5How are you 6touch your ear 7 this is leg