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二年级英语Unit5教案设计:My Day

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-06-12 阅读:


二年级英语Unit5教案设计:My Day

教 学

目 的 1Can understand read and say the phrases:do


dinner.2.Ss can read say and practice the drill:


难点 When do you___?At ___.

Words and drill.

教学方法 TPR Pairwork Groupwork survey

教 具 Vocabulary cards and pictures

教 学 过 程

教 学 程 序 及 内 容 学生活动设计

Step 1. warming up and revision: 1.Sing some English songs.

2.Question and answer drill.

1.sing some English songs.

2.have a question and answer drill to review the time

T:What time is it?

S: It’s _____.

Step 2 Presentation and practice:

1. Use body language to demonstrate the verb phrase:

Do morning exercises/have English class etc.

T: Look! What am I doing? 3.Listen and do.

4.Listen and read.

5.Draw a big clock and ask the class to have a question and answer drill.

6.group work.

7.listen and say.


T: I am doing morning


The same way with other verb phrases.

2.Make the class read after the teacher several times

about the verb phrases.

3.Play the audiotape of Let’s talk as the Ss follow

along their books.

4. Play the game “I say ,I do”to practice Verb


5.Draw a big clock on the BB. Then the T says

I get up at 6:30. What about you?

Help the class to answer “I get up at ___.”

Then have a question and answer drill like this:

T:When do you get up?

S: I get up at 7:00.

6. Practice the drill with a group work.

7. play the audiotape of Let’s talk as the

Ss follow along their books. 8.pair work to finish the exercises.

9.make a survey.

10.let’s try.

Step 3: consolidation and extension:

1.Practice the drill in a pair work and finish exercise

of P5 Let’s find out.

2.Make a sruvey: divide the class into small groups

and make the class have a survey.

3. Do exercise of Let’s try: Ask the class to listen

and choose the correct answer.


1. Write the verb phrases.

2. Make a survey with your parents to practice

the drill: When do you ____? At ___.


Lesson 1 This is my day!

When do you get up?

I get up at 6:30.

Teacher’s notes:

授课时间 科 目 班 级

课 题 Unit 1 This is my day! B

教 学

目 的 1.Ss can understand read say and practice the drill When

Do you ___? At ____. They can practice the following

Words: usually, often, always.2. Theycan read and write.


难点 Sentences:When do you get up/eat dinner? I eat/

usually get up at ___.

教学方法 Pair work Group work.

教 具 Chart clock timetable

教 学 过 程

教 学 程 序 及 内 容 学生活动设计

Step 1 warm up and revision: 1.Let’s chant.

2.Read and do.

3.Question and answer drill.

4.Pair work.

1.Say the chant of page 2.

2. Use the vocabulary cards to review the verb phrase

Ask the class to read and do.

3. Have a question and answer drill with the whole

Class: T: When do you get up?

S: I get up at ____.

4. Have a pair work to practice the drill.

Step 2 Presentation and practice:

5.listen and look.

6.listen and read.

7.finish the timetable.


9.Make a timetalbe.

10.Question and answer drill in a pair work.

11.Present the dialogue.

12. Make a survey.

1. Demonstrate the new contepts with the big poster.

T: Look at the picture! Now the boy have a interview

With the policeman. What are they talking about?

Please listen to the tape.

2. Play the audiotape as the Ss follow along their


3. Read after the tape and then finish the timetable on

Page 6.

4. Write the four-skills words and sentences.

Step 3. Consolidation and extension:

1. Make a timetable about your day .

2. Have a question and answer drill to practice the

dialogue of “Read and write.” in a pair work.

3. Present the dialogue you make about your time-

table and your partener’s timetable.

4. Make a survey in the class to finish the chart on

Page 6.(Make a survey)


1. Listen and read after the tape of part A.

2. Write the four-skill words and sentences on your

exercises books.

3. Make a survey with your parents about their day.


Unit 1 This is my day!

When do you eat dinner?

I eat dinner at 7:00 in the evening.

When do you get up?

I usually get up at 12:00 noon.

Teacher’s notes:

授课时间 科 目 班 级

课 题 Unit 1 This is my day! C

教 学

目 的 1.Can understand read and say the verb phrases: climb

Mountains, go shopping, visit grandparents,go hiking

Play the piano.2. Can practice the drill: What do you do


难点 On the weekend.3. Can practice the words: often,usually

and sometimes. Words and dialogue.

教学方法 Pair work TPR Group work survey

教 具 Vocabulary cards pictures chart.

教 学 过 程

教 学 程 序 及 内 容 学生活动设计

Step 1 Warm up and revsion: 1. Play the game I say I do.

2. Question and answer drill.

1. Review the verb phrases of part A with a game “I

Say, I do”.

2.Have a question and answer drill

to review the dia-

logue like this:

T:What do you have on Monday?

S:I have Chinese, English and P.E.on Monday.

T: Do you have any classes on the weekend?

S:No, I don’t. 3. Ask and anwer.

4. listen and write.

5. listen and read.

6. Role play.

8. Pair work.

T: What do you do on the weekend?

S: En….

T: I often do some housewok and take care of my

little daughter.How about you?

S: I often ____.

Step 2 Presentation and practice:

1.Demonstrate the new drill with the ask and answer

drill above.

2.Listen and write: finish the exercise of Let’s try.

Play the audiotape and ask the class to finish.

3.Let’s talklay the audiotape as the Ss follow along

their books of let’s chant.

4.Role-play: Ask the class to act different roles about

Dialogue of let’s talk.

Step3 Consolidation and extension:

1. Have a pair work to practice the drill:

What do you usually do on the weekend?

I usually ____. Sometimes I ____.

2.Make a survey: Ask the Ss to make a survey and 9.Make a survey.

10. Present the dialogue.

fill in the blanks on page 8.

3. Present their dialogue and read the consult.


1.Listen and read the text of part B.

2. Write the four-skills verb phrases on exercises


3. Make a survey to interview your partents.


Unit 1 This is my day! C

What do you do on the weekend?

I usually ____.

Sometimes I ______.

Teacher’s notes:

授课时间 科 目 班 级

课 题 Unit 1 This is my day! D

教 学

目 的 1.Can understand read say and practice the dialogue of

Read and write. 2. Practcie and write the sentences: What

Do you do on the weekend?_____.3.Pronunciation rules


难点 Of “ai” “ay” “gr” “gl”.

Four-skills sentences and the dialogue.

教学方法 Pair work Group work. Disscussion.

教 具 Vocabulary cards Tape and audiotape

教 学 过 程

教 学 程 序 及 内 容 学生活动设计

Step 1. Warm up and revision: 1. Say the chant.

2.Play the game.

3. Question and answer drill.

1.Say the chant together.

2. Play the game “high voice and low voice” to

Review the verb phrases of last lesson.

3.Have a question and answer drill to review the drill

What do you do on the weekend? with the voca-

bulary cards like this:

T: What do you often do on the weekend?

S1: I often do my homework and go shopping. 4.Question and answer drill.

5.Listen and read.

6.Finish the chart.

7. Listen and write.

8.Let’s check.

S2: I usually clean my room.

S3: I often play football and sometimes I watch TV.

Step 2 Presentation and practice:

1.Demonstrate the new dialogue with some volun-

teers.Ask them through a question and answer with a

Chain drll like this:

S1: What do you do on the weekend?

S2: I often go shopping. What do you do on the


S3: I usually clean my bedroom. What do you do on

the weekend?

S4: I often go hiking. ……

2. Play the audiotape of Read and write as the Ss

follow along their books.

3. Finish the chart given on the book.

4. Listen and write on page 10.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension:

1. Let’s check: Liten and write then circle the

weekend activities. 9. Listen and read

2. Pronunciation:

Play the audiotape and ask the class to read after the

tape recorder.Then write the pronunciation rules of

ai/ei/ ay/ei/ gr/gr/ gl/gl/

Say the chant of pronunciation after the tape.

3. Good to know:

a. Clean your hands before meals.

b. Play sports every day.

c. Brush your teeth before you go to bed.

d. Go to bed early.

Ask the class to have good habbits everyday.

Homework: 1.Write four-skills sentences.

2. Have good habbits.

BB: Unit 1 This is my day!

What do you do on the weekend?

I usually/often _____

Teacher’s notes:



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