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Glide 3.4.0 发布,Android 的媒体管理库

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-05-29 阅读:

开源中国推出 PaaS@OSC 代码演示和运行平台

Glide 是一个 Android 上的图片加载和缓存库,其目的是实现平滑的图片列表滚动效果。

Glide 3.4.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载,包括大量新特性和 bug 修复。此版本最值得关注的是动态 GIFs,可以通过 GifDecoder 来对 GIFs 进行解码,修复了相关的一些小问题,比如渲染和解码通道的问题。

  • Always use ARGB_8888 to prevent null GIF frames on some versions of Android that don’t support ARGB_4444 (#216).

  • Fix partially decoded GIF frames (appears as grey or transparent noise in frames) (#207, #204).

  • Set a default frame delay for GIFs which do not specify a frame delay, or specify an overly short frame delay (#205).

  • More robust GIF decoding logic, including a fix for decoding only the first few rows of certain GIFs (#203).

  • Allow fade in/cross fade animations by ensuring that the first frame of GIFs is decoded before the GIF is returned (#159).

  • Fix GIFs always appearing transparent pre KitKat (#199).

  • Memory

    • Fix a memory leak when Glide is first called in an Activity (#210).


    • Fix underdraw in FitCenter causing noise along the sides of certain images (#195).

    • Maintain transparency during bitmap transformations (#156).


    • Fixed Drawables being cached only be integer resource id which can change and/or overlap after subsequent compilations (#172).


    • Fix failure to detect certain types of file Uris (#161).


    • Fix concurrency bugs resulting in incorrect assertions being thrown when loads were started on multiple threads (#191, #181).

    • Fix BitmapRequestBuilder not setting the decode format on the cache decoder when format() is called (#187).

    • Fix an assertion in ViewTarget related to restarting requests (#167).

    • Fix Glide.with() throwing pre Honeycomb when given non-support Activities (#158).

    • Avoid using Closeable interface when loading ParcelFileDescriptors on 4.1.1 or earlier (#157).

    • Fix an NPE in Bitmap#getAllocationByteCount() due to a framework bug in the initial release of KitKat (#148).

