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Ghostscript 9.16 发布,绘图软件

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-05-28 阅读:


Ghostscript 9.16 发布,此版本主要包括以下更新:

  • "LockColorants" command line option for tiffsep and psdcmyk devices. Specifying -dLockColorants will restrict those devices to only the colorants list on the command line (thus: -c "<< /SeparationColorNames [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /Violet /Orange] /SeparationOrder [ /Cyan /Magenta /Yellow /Black /Violet /Orange]>> setpagedevice"), rather than allowing the devices to add new colorants as encountered in the input. This is, obviously, preferable for real printers, where only a certain of inks will be available.

  • Improved high level devices handling of Forms. Whilst High level devices (eg pdfwrite) already checked Forms to see if they are duplicates, and if so use the initial definition. However, this does not improve performance, since the Form PaintProc still needs to be executed for each instance of the Form, and the matching algorithm could, in very odd circumstances, be defeated. The new implementation benefits both causes, meaning the second and subsequent invocation of the form need not re-run the PaintProc, and removes the heurisic aspect of the reuse detection.

  • New URW+ fonts in which the families NimbusMono, NimbusRoman and NimbusSans have been augmented with production quality Greek and Cyrillic glyphs. These correspond to our substitutes for the PDF base 14 fonts.

  • Plus the usual round of bug fixes, compatibility changes, and incremental improvements.




Ghostscript 可以查看及打印 PS、EPS、PDF 文件,支持PS的绘图程序一般都很大,如:Illustrator、CorelDraw。一般 人不可能为了打开或打印PS文件而去购买那昂贵的绘图软件,也因此 Ghostscript 就提供了一个不错的选择。Ghostscript虽然不能绘制 PS 文件,却可以打开或打印 PS、EPS、PDF 格式的图形(或字型)文件。最好先安装 AFPL Ghostscript  再安装 GSView。

