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FST 2.18 发布,Java 快速序列化库

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-05-23 阅读:

#广州# OSC源创会第31期(12月27日)开始报名,OSC自曝家丑!

FST 2.18 发布了,从 2.17 版本开始 FST 的许可证由原来的 LGPL 改为 Apache。

与 2.16 版本比较,其他改进包括:

  • Wavesonics contributed an android port (only plain serialization tested). Merged this to keep a single branch. For android a different object instantiation strategy is used. Adds a dependency to objenesis-2.1

  • fixed 2.x structs (for fast-cast 3.0). Had some issues because of low test coverage. Writing unit tests for structs still open.

Bug 修复:

  • changes done from 1.x to 2.x introduced an unnecessary perf degradation when reading from byte[]. Affects small objects most. fixed.

  • kson supports thousand separator in numbers '_'

  • fixed stackoverflow on some android devices with smallish stack sizes

  • fixed a buffer overflow reading externalizables when using fastBinaryConfiguration

FST fast-serialization 是重新实现的 Java 快速对象序列化的开发包。序列化速度更快(2-10倍)、体积更小,而且兼容 JDK 原生的序列化。要求 JDK 1.7 支持。