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Aspose.Slides for Java 14.5.0 发布

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-02 阅读:

程序员必上的开发者服务平台 —— DevStore

Aspose.Slides for Java 14.5.0 发布,此版本是个主要的稳定版本,包括了许多新特性,改进了系统稳定性。


  • supported for adding, inserting and updating group shapes on slides

  • it is possible to create group shapes from scratch and add new shapes to group shape collection

  • support for identifying if a presentation is password protected or not without even loading the presentation

改进和 bug 修复:

  • some improvement in  presentation rendering support by rectifying issues related to  improper tables, SmartArt, text and chart rendering in generated slide thumbnails and exported PDF files

  • resolved issues pertaining to accessing and saving presentations that resulted in different exceptions in earlier product versions.

  • Issues of corrupted presentation files generated have also been addressed in this release.

  • enhanced chart support in this release and have resolved issues related to setting the chart category direction, formatting chart labels, setting font related properties for different chart entities and radar chart support.

  • The slide cloning support has also been improved by rectifying issues of cloning slides with video and charts on them.

  • several enhancements to the new API

更多文档请查看 Public API and Backwards Incompatible Changes in Aspose.Slides for Java 14.5.0 ,更多更新内容请看发行说明,现已提供下载。

Aspose.Slides for Java 是一个 Java 组件,用来操作 PowerPoint 幻灯片文档,无需安装 PowerPoint 环境,可导出到 PDF、嵌入音频和视频链接,生成缩略图,抽取文本信息等功能。

