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[单刷APUE系列]第一章——Unix基础知识[2] - 静雅斋

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-13 阅读:







NAME     open, openat -- open or create a file for reading or writingSYNOPSIS     #include <fcntl.h>     int     open(const char *path, int oflag, ...);     int     openat(int fd, const char *path, int oflag, ...);......RETURN VALUES     If successful, open() returns a non-negative integer, termed a file descriptor.  It returns -1 on failure, and sets errno to indicate the     error.ERRORS     The named file is opened unless:     [EACCES]           Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix.     [EACCES]           The required permissions (for reading and/or writing) are denied for the given flags.     [EACCES]           O_CREAT is specified, the file does not exist, and the directory in which it is to be created does not permit writing.     [EACCES]           O_TRUNC is specified and write permission is denied.     [EAGAIN]           path specifies the slave side of a locked pseudo-terminal device.     [EDQUOT]           O_CREAT is specified, the file does not exist, and the directory in which the entry for the new file is being placedcannot be extended because the user's quota of disk blocks on the file system containing the directory has beenexhausted.     [EDQUOT]           O_CREAT is specified, the file does not exist, and the user's quota of inodes on the file system on which the file isbeing created has been exhausted.     [EEXIST]           O_CREAT and O_EXCL are specified and the file exists.     [EFAULT]           Path points outside the process's allocated address space.     [EINTR]The open() operation is interrupted by a signal.     [EINVAL]           The value of oflag is not valid.     [EIO]  An I/O error occurs while making the directory entry or allocating the inode for O_CREAT.     [EISDIR]           The named file is a directory, and the arguments specify that it is to be opened for writing.     [ELOOP]Too many symbolic links are encountered in translating the pathname.  This is taken to be indicative of a looping sym-bolic link.     [EMFILE]           The process has already reached its limit for open file descriptors.     [ENAMETOOLONG]     A component of a pathname exceeds {NAME_MAX} characters, or an entire path name exceeded {PATH_MAX} characters.     [ENFILE]           The system file table is full.     [ELOOP]O_NOFOLLOW was specified and the target is a symbolic link.     [ENOENT]           O_CREAT is not set and the named file does not exist.     [ENOENT]           A component of the path name that must exist does not exist.     [ENOSPC]           O_CREAT is specified, the file does not exist, and the directory in which the entry for the new file is being placedcannot be extended because there is no space left on the file system containing the directory.     [ENOSPC]           O_CREAT is specified, the file does not exist, and there are no free inodes on the file system on which the file isbeing created.     [ENOTDIR]          A component of the path prefix is not a directory.     [ENXIO]The named file is a character-special or block-special file and the device associated with this special file does notexist.     [ENXIO]O_NONBLOCK and O_WRONLY are set, the file is a FIFO, and no process has it open for reading.     [EOPNOTSUPP]       O_SHLOCK or O_EXLOCK is specified, but the underlying filesystem does not support locking.     [EOPNOTSUPP]       An attempt is made to open a socket (not currently implemented).     [EOVERFLOW]        The named file is a regular file and its size does not fit in an object of type off_t.     [EROFS]The named file resides on a read-only file system, and the file is to be modified.     [ETXTBSY]          The file is a pure procedure (shared text) file that is being executed and the open() call requests write access.     [EBADF]The path argument does not specify an absolute path and the fd argument is neither AT_FDCWD nor a valid file descrip-tor open for searching.     [ENOTDIR]          The path argument is not an absolute path and fd is neither AT_FDCWD nor a file descriptor associated with a direc-tory.

我们可以看到大概有32个错误码用于open函数,在文件<errno.h>中定义了errno和可能赋予的各种常量,在Unix系统中,我们可以使用man 2 intro来查看所有的出错常量,在Linux系统中,则使用man 3 errno来查看。
在以前,POSIX和ISO C标准将errno定义为一个外部变量,即extern int errno;,但是这套定义并不适用于引入了多线程机制的现代化系统,在多线程中,每个线程虽然共享了进程的地址空间,但是每个线程都维护了自身内部的errno变量,所以后来的定义就完全不是如此了,例如原书上举出Linux将其定义为

extern int *__errno_location(void);#define errno (*__errno_location())


extern int * __error(void);#define errno (*__error())


  1. 如果没有出错,其值不会被进程清除,因此,只有当返回值为错误的时候才去检查errno

  2. 任何情况下,errno都不为0,因为所有的errno常量定义都没有0
    ISO C定义了两个函数

char *strerror(int errnum);void perror(const char *msg);


#include "include/apue.h"#include <errno.h>int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    fprintf(stderr, "EACCES: %s\n", strerror(EACCES));    errno = ENOENT;    perror(argv[0]);    exit(0);}


EACCES: Permission denied./a.out: No such file or directory




if (getuid() == 0)


#include "include/apue.h"int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    printf("uid = %lu, gid = %lu\n", getuid(), getgid());    exit(0);}

注:Mac OS X系统并非依靠/etc/passwd来维护用户列表,这个文件只有系统以单用户模式启动的时候才会使用



  1. 忽略信号。由于很多信号表示硬件异常,例如,除以0或者访问进程地址空间以外的存储单元,因为这些异常引起的后果不明确,所以不推荐使用这种方式。

  2. 系统默认方式处理。对于很多信号,系统默认方式就是终止进程,这点非常类似现代编程语言中异常的抛出,例如Node.js对于异常不捕获的操作,就是终止进程

  3. 注册自定义的信号处理函数,当接收到信号时调用该程序。


#include "include/apue.h"#include <sys/wait.h>+ static void sig_int(int);+int main(int argc, char *argv[]){    char buf[MAXLINE];    pid_t pid;+   if (signal(SIGINT, sig_int) == SIG_ERR)+       err_sys("signal error");+    printf("%% ");    while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, stdin) != NULL) {        if (buf[strlen(buf) - 1] == '\n')buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0';        if ((pid = fork()) < 0)err_sys("fork error");        else if (pid == 0) {execlp(buf, buf, NULL);err_ret("couldn't excute: %s", buf);exit(127);        }        if ((pid = waitpid(pid, NULL, 0)) < 0)err_sys("waitpid error");        printf("%% ");    }    exit(0);}++void sig_int(int signo)+{+    printf("interrupt\n%% ");+}


void (*signal(int sig, void (*func)(int)))(int);or in the equivalent but easier to read typedef'd version:typedef void (*sig_t) (int);sig_t signal(int sig, sig_t func);




  1. 日历时间,也就是通常所说的Unix时间戳,该值是UTC时间1970年1月1日0时0分0秒以来所经历的秒数累计,早期Unix系统手册使用格林尼治标准时间。系统使用time_t类型来存储时间值

  2. 进程时间,也被称为CPU时间,用于度量进程使用的CPU资源,进程时间以时钟滴答(clock tick)计算,系统使用clock_t类型存储


  • 时钟时间

  • 用户CPU时间

  • 系统CPU时间


> cd /usr/include> time -p grep _POSIX_SOURCE */*.h > /dev/null



所有的操作系统都提供了服务的入口点,由此程序可以向内核请求服务。Unix标准规定内核必须提供定义良好、数量有限、直接进入内核的入口点,这些入口点被称为系统调用,我们可以在Unix系统参考手册第二节中找到所有提供的系统调用,这些系统调用是用C语言定义的,开发者可以非常方便的使用C函数调用它们。但是这并不是说系统调用一定是C语言写的,Unix参考手册第三节是C语言通用函数库,它们是ISO C标准定义的标准C语言函数库和一系列Unix提供的函数库,但是它们不是系统调用。

The malloc(), calloc(), valloc(), realloc(), and reallocf() functions allocate memory.  The allocated memory is aligned such that it canbe used for any data type, including AltiVec- and SSE-related types.  The free() function frees allocations that were created via thepreceding allocation functions.

而Unix系统内部的分配内存的系统调用是sbrk和'brk',它们并不分配变量内存,它们只是根据字节数改变segment size,正如系统手册上写的

The brk and sbrk functions are historical curiosities left over from earlier days before the advent of virtual memory management.  Thebrk() function sets the break or lowest address of a process's data segment (uninitialized data) to addr (immediately above bss).  Dataaddressing is restricted between addr and the lowest stack pointer to the stack segment.  Memory is allocated by brk in page size pieces;if addr is not evenly divisible by the system page size, it is increased to the next page boundary.


