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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-29 阅读:

鉴于考生们对考研英语试题十分关注,我们编辑小组在此为大家搜集整理了“13年考研英语模拟试题及答案解析 rdquo;一文,供大家参考!





Section I Structure and Vocabulary

In each question, decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Put your choice on the answer sheet. (20 points)

1. A variety of small clubs can provide _____ opportunities for leadership, as well as for practice in successful group dynamics.

[A] durable

[B] excessive

[C] surplus

[D] multiple

2. By turning this knob to the right you can _____ the sound from this radio.

[A] amplify

[B] enlarge

[C] magnify

[D] reinforce

3. Under the _____ confronting them it was impossible to continue the strike any longer.

[A] surroundings

[B] settings

[C] circumstances

[D] environments

4. We have the system of exploitation of man by man.

[A] cancelled

[B] abolished

[C] refused

[D] rejected

5. We shall probably never be able to _____ the exact nature of these sub-atomic particles.

[A] assert

[B] impart

[C] ascertain

[D] notify

6. This diploma _____ that you have completed high school.

[A] proves

[B] certifies

[C] secures

[D] approves

7. Up until that time, his interest had focused almost _____ on fully mastering the skills and techniques of his craft.

[A] restrictively

[B] radically

[C] inclusively

[D] exclusively

8. That sound doesn’t _____ in his language so it’s difficult for him to pronounce.

[A] happen

[B] take place

[C] occur

[D] run

9. The security guard _____ two men who were yelling in the courtroom.

[A] expelled

[B] propelled

[C] repelled

[D] dispelled

10. In most cases politicians are _____ as they seldom tell the truth.

[A] credible

[B] credulous

[C] incredulous

[D] incredible

11. He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable _____.

[A] future

[B] possibility

[C] ability

[D] opportunity

12. Britain has the highest _____ of road traffic in the world—over 60 cars for every mile of road.

[A] density

[B] intensity

[C] popularity

[D] prosperity

13. CCTV programs are _____ by satellite to the remotest areas in the country.

[A] transferred

[B] transported

[C] transformed

[D] transmitted

14. An energy tax would curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut the budget _____.

[A] disposition

[B] deficit

[C] defect

[D] discrepancy

15. The government will _____ a reform in the educational system.

[A] initiate

[B] initial

[C] initiative

[D] intimate

Section III Reading Comprehension

Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing [A], [B], [C] or [D] Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET (40 points)

Text 1

The period of adolescence, i.e., the period between childhood and adulthood, may be long or short, depending on social expectations and on society’s definition as to what constitutes maturity and adulthood. In primitive societies adolescence is frequently a relatively short period of time, while in industrial societies with patterns of prolonged education coupled with laws against child labor, the period of adolescence is much longer and may include most of the second decade of one’s life. Furthermore, the length of the adolescent period and the definition of adulthood status may change in a given society as social and economic conditions change. Examples of this type of change are the disappearance of the frontier in the latter part of the nineteenth century in the United States, and more universally, the industrialization of an agricultural society.

In modern society, ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance and there no longer is agreement as to what constitutes initiation ceremonies. Social ones have been replaced by a sequence of steps that lead to increased recognition and social status. For example, grade school graduation, high school graduation and college graduation constitute such a sequence, and while each step implies certain behavioral changes and social recognition, the significance of each depends on the socio-economic status and the educational ambition of the individual. Ceremonies for adolescence have also been replaced by legal definitions of status roles, right, privileges and responsibilities. It is during the nine years from the twelfth birthday to the twenty-first that the protective and restrictive aspects of childhood and minor status are removed and adult privileges and responsibilities are granted. The twelve-year-old is no longer considered a child and has to pay full fare for train, airplane, theater and movie tickets. Basically, the individual at this age loses childhood privileges without gaining significant adult rights. At the age of sixteen the adolescent is granted certain adult rights which increases his social status by providing him with more freedom and choices. He now can obtain a driver’s license; he can leave public schools; and he can work without the restrictions of child labor laws. At the age of eighteen the law provides adult responsibilities as well as rights; the young man can now be a soldier, but he also can marry without parental permission. At the age of twenty-one the individual obtains his full legal rights as an adult. He now can vote, he can buy liquor, he can enter into financial contracts, and he is entitled to run for public office. No additional basic rights are acquired as a function of age after majority status has been attained. None of these legal provisions determine at what point adulthood has been reached but they do point to the prolonged period of adolescence.

41. The period of adolescence is much longer in industrial societies because ________.

[A] the definition of maturity has changed

[B] the industrialized society is more developed

[C] more education is provided and laws against child labor are made(C)

[D] ceremonies for adolescence have lost their formal recognition and symbolic significance

42. Former social ceremonies that used to mark adolescence have given place to ________.

[A] graduations from schools and colleges

[B] social recognition

[C] socio-economic status(A)

[D] certain behavioral changes

43. No one can expect to fully enjoy the adulthood privileges until he is ________.

[A] eleven years old

[B] sixteen years old

[C] twenty-one years old(C)

[D] between twelve and twenty-one years old

44. Starting from 22, ________.

[A] one will obtain more basic rights

[B] the older one becomes, the more basic rights he will have

[C] one won’t get more basic rights than when he is 21(C)

[D] one will enjoy more rights granted by society

45. According to the passage, it is true that ________.

[A] in the late 19th century in the United States the dividing line between adolescence and adulthood no longer existed

[B] no one can marry without the permission of his parents until the age of twenty-one

[C] one is considered to have reached adulthood when he has a driver’s license(A)

[D] one is not free from the restrictions of child labor laws until he can join the arm

33. D

Examples of stress-inducing events in the life of a young person are death of a pet, pressure to achieve academically, the divorce of parents, or joining a new youth group. 年轻人的生活中,能够带来压力的事件,包括宠物的死亡、学业的压力、父母的离异,或者加入新的年轻人群体。[D] event来自拉丁语evenire发生,e-出.外+venire来,发生出来的事就是“(比较重大的)事件”。而句子表语部分恰恰罗列了种种较为重大的事件。[A] evidence n. 明显,显著,明白,迹象,根据,[物]证据,证物;[B]accident n. 意外事件,(造成一定伤亡或者损失的)事故;[C] adventure n. 冒险,冒险的经历。

34. B

“学业上取得成就”用achieve。[A] acquire和[C] obtain作“获得”解时,作及物动词,后及宾语。[D]fulfill vt. 实践,实行,完成,达到,侧重“履行”之意。

35. A

The different ways in which individuals respond to stress may bring healthful or unhealthy results. 人们对压力做出的不同的反应方式,可能会带来有益于健康,或者不利于健康的后果。[A] respond(常与to连用)反应,回报,对……有反应,对……起作用;[B] return vt. 归还,回报,(经济)收益;[C] retort v. 反驳,反击;[D]reply vi. 答复,回击,报复,答辩,回答。

36. C

One person experiencing a great deal of stress may function exceptionally well while another may be unable to function at a11. 在巨大的压力下。有的人可能会应对非常自如,但是另一个人就完全无法正常发挥。[C] while此处是一个表示转折意义的连词,表示“虽然,但是”。例:You like tennis, while I’d rather read. 你爱打网球,但我爱看书。类似用法的连词还有whereas。例:Some people like fat meat, whereas others hate it. 有些人喜欢肥肉,相反有些人讨厌肥肉。

37. A

Satisfying social relations are vital to sound mental and emotional health. 让人满意的社会关系对于良好的精神和情绪健全至关重要。

[A] sound作形容词意为“完好的,健全的,合理的,明智的”。例:the sound development of a baby(一个婴儿的健康发育);sound judgment合理(明智)的判断。[B] all-round adj. 全面的,多才多艺的。

38. D

It is believed that in order to initiate, develop, and maintain effective and fulfilling social relationships people must possess the ability to know and trust each other, understand each other, influence, and help each other. 一般认为,要想建立,发展,并且维持有效而给人满足感的社会关系,人们必须拥有了解和信任他人,影响他人,及帮助他人的能力。[D]initiate vt. 创始,发起;[A] illuminate vt. 照明,照亮,阐明,说明;[B] enunciate v. 阐明,清晰发言;[C] enumerate v. 列举。

39. D

上下文中also一词提示天空处需要be capable of的近义词,所以possess the ability符合题意。

40. [A]

They must also be capable of resolving conflicts in a constructive way. 他们必须有能力以建设性的方法来解决冲突。

resolve和solve都有“解决”之意。例:solve/resolve a problem但resolve可用来表达“评定或平息冲突或争端等”之意,相当于settle。例:resolve/settle the quarrel in a friendly way(以友好的方式解决纷争)。此外,resolve还有“决心,决定”之意,相当于decide或determine。例:Parliament has resolved that… (国会决议……);to resolve/be resolved to do… (下决心做……)。

Section III Reading Comprehension

Text 1

41. [C] 意为:人们所受的教育增多以及反童工法的制定


[A]的干扰来自于第一段第一句。它提到,“青春期的长短取决于不同社会对成熟和成年的定义”。接着第二句就比较了原始社会和工业化社会。从这两句其实我们可以推出这两种社会对成熟的定义必定不同。但第二句已经明确指出了具体原因,因此[C]为最佳答案。[B] 工业化社会更加发达,文中未提。[D]是工业社会中关于青春期变化的现象,而非青春期变长的原因。

42. [A]意为:从各类学校毕业

第二段第二句指出:青春期的社会仪式(social ones)已经被一系列阶段(a sequence of steps)所取代。第三句说明了“一系列阶段”的具体所指—─各阶段学习的毕业。所以,[A]为正确选项。

[B]、[C]、[D]的错误在于:social recognition、certain behavioral change 和socio-economic status本身都不是青春期仪式的替代品,而只是和其替代品紧密相连的因素。第三句提到,行为变化和社会认可度是伴随“阶段”而存在的,而一个人的社会经济地位会影响各阶段对他的重要性。

43.[C] 意为:21岁第二段后面部分从It is during the nine years到倒数第二句列举了青春期各阶段的权利。其中,第十句(at the age of twenty-one… public office)指出,21岁是开始享有完全成****利的年龄。所以[C]为正确选项。


44. [C]意为:个人的基本权利将不会比21岁时有所增加。

文中倒数第二句说明,一旦达到成人阶段(21岁),将不再继续获得其他额外的基本权利。所以,本题的正确选项应为[C]。其他项[A] 个人会得到更多的基本权利;[B] 一个人越老,拥有的基本权利越多;[D] 人们将享有社会赋予的更多的权利;与原文内容相反。

45. 答案[A]意为:获得驾照的人就可以算是成人了

第一段末句指出,到了19世纪晚期,美国的青春期和成年期的分界线消失。Frontier意为dividing line。所以,[A]为正确选项。


Text 2

46. [A] 意为:并不像表面看上去那样好。

第一段第三、四句指出,美国到处都在谈论所谓公司的振兴(tales of corporate revival),但是,商界自认为正在进行的所谓生产率革命究竟是否名符其实(for real),这一点却很难确定。该句实际上是全文的主旨,从反面提出了下文旨在回答的问题,所谓生产率革命根本不存在,官方的统计数字也并不怎么乐观;该段第四句指出,问题是;最近显示出的增长部分是由商业领域里此时出现的正常的反弹(rebound)造成的,因此,不能将它看作是更深层的(当指生产率)振兴的证据。由题目能够定位到第一段的这一句:What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real.其意思是:商人们自认为的他们所领导的生产力革命是否确有其事,这一点更加难以确定。因此可以看出作者觉得美国经济形式并不像商人们说的那样好,因此联系到了A选项。





47. [B] 意为:与商人的预想不符。或:不像商人预想的那样好。

第二段指出,官方的统计数字也并不怎么乐观,如果将制造业和服务业算在一起(lump... together),1989年以来生产率平均增长了1.2%,比前十年的平均指数略有增长;1991年后,生产率每年增长约2%,是1978年至1987年这十年平均指数的一倍多。然而问题是:最近显示出的增长部分是由商业领域里此时出现的正常的反弹造成的,因此,不能将它看作是更深层的(当指生产率)振兴的证据。正如财政部长鲁宾所说的那样,一方面,大量的商业神话似乎表明生产率的激增(leap),另一方面,(官方的)统计数字又是另一番景象,二者之间存在着一个“差距”(disjunction)。定位到第二段的这几句:There is, as Robert Rubin, the treasury secretary, says, a "disjunction" between the mass of business anecdote that points to a leap in productivity and the picture reflected by the statistics.其意思是:正如财政部长罗伯特•鲁宾所说的,生产力发生飞跃的商业传奇与统计数字所反映的情况之间存在着一种“脱节”。商业传奇即是说大量的商业神话似乎表明生产率的激增(leap)。因此,可以得出结论,经济发展的实际情况和商人们所塑造的神话有脱节,即联系到了B选项。

A意为:排除了商业领域里出现的正常的反弹。此选项定位到了原文第二段中的The trouble is that part of the recent acceleration is due to the usual rebound that occurs at this point in a business cycle,意思是:近年发生的生产力快速增长部分是由于商业周期通常到了这时候就会出现的反弹造成的。但是官方统计时并未排除此反弹,在原文中没有根据。原文只是说这个反弹是个trouble,但是并未说找个trouble被排除了。



48. [B] 意为:他认为所谓的生产率革命并未奏效。


另外,从第三段来看,所谓的生产率革命包括了改组企业(business restructuring, reengineering)等一系列措施,正如第四段所指出的,近年所进行的一些重组措施也许并未奏效,而且,即使有所成效,效果也没有人们想像的那样广泛。在最后一段,作者引用了几个专家的评价,这几位专家对目前进行的促进生产率发展的措施更是持否定态度。作者的引用当然带有很大的倾向性,用以支持自己的观点。第一段指出,人们常说:不劳则无所获,但是,要是劳而无获呢?美国到处都在谈论所谓公司的振兴,但是,商界自认为正在进行的所谓生产率革命究竟是否名符其实,这一点却很难确定。作者的观点在此其实已表达得很清楚,就是说所谓的生产率革命并没起多大作用。而且由其他段也可看出,现实的数据与商人们所想的存在脱节,因此他们所鼓吹的革命并不奏效。因此联系到了B选项




49. [A] 意为:激进的改革对生产率的提高极其重要。


B意为:用新方法改变工作场所可以提高生产率。第三段第二句指出,重新改变工作场所仅是加快一个国家的国民经济综合生产率水平(overall productivity of an economy)的一种措施,促进生产率发展的因素还有许多,如:设备和机器投资、新技术、教育和培训投资等都会带来生产率的提高。

C意为:降低成本并不能保证带来长期利润。根据第五段第三句,在比尔看来,许多公司机械地(in a mechanistic fashion)应用改革措施,降低了成本,但对长期盈利却考虑不够。可见,降低成本和长期盈利并非总是成正比。


50. [D]否定的。 本题问:根据文章,作者对美国提高生产率的革命态度如何?作者在文章的一开头就提出,本文要讨论“得不偿失、劳而无功”的问题,所以作者对这场提高生产率革命的态度显然是否定的。故选D。 A有偏心的,有偏见的。 B乐观的。 C模棱两可的。均不符合题意,不能入选。

