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Life in the futureUnit 3单元综合训练

作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-05-23 阅读:

高中是重要的一年,大家一定要好好把握高中,常梦网小编为大家整理了Unit 3单元综合训练,希望大家喜欢。


You may have heard the old story about the dedicated(专注的)fisherman.He had gone fishing with one of his__1__.They used the same equipment and fished together in the__2__mountain stream.He had almost caught his limit of fish while his friend caught only one.“What's your secret?” asked the friend__3__.“I haven't even gotten another__4__!” The fisherman emptied the contents of his mouth and replied,“You have to keep your worms(鱼饵)__5__.”

When it comes to the dedication,there are at least three types of__6__.First,there are those who fish for sport.They like to “catch and release”,__7__throwing their catches back into the water.For these people,it's all for__8__.Then there are those who fish because they like the__9__of fish.They are selective.They only keep the fish they will eat someday.Finally,there are those who fish because they are__10__.If they don't catch,they will have nothing to eat.It is important for this group to succeed,and they are__11__dedicated to what they do.

Whether we__12__or even eat fish,there is a lesson to be learned here.Especially when the task before us is difficult or there seems to be few possibility to__13__,we are most likely to be successful if we approach a task with full dedication.Whether we want to__14__a relationship,build a new business,kick a drug habit or go back to school,we should see if we are__15__to do what it takes,even if it means keeping the worms warm.


1.A.friends   B.brothers   C.colleagues   D.villagers

解析:由下文his friend得出:有一天,他跟朋友(friends)一块儿去钓鱼。


2.A.clear   B.same   C.long   D.wide

解析:与本空前same equipment构成并列:这两个人用的是同样的钓鱼设备,在同一个(same)山涧里钓鱼。


3.A.anxiously   B.shamefully    C.angrily   D.curiously

解析:由上句两个人的对话及what's your secret判断:朋友迷惑不解地(curiously)问他,能钓到这么多鱼的秘诀是什么。


4.A.signal   B.gift      C.bite   D.target



5.A.warm      B.soft      C.big   D.fat

解析:文章末句worms warm有提示:这个垂钓者说,你要保持你的鱼饵新鲜(warm)。


6.A.contents      B.fishermen      C.worms   D.fishes

解析:根据上文内容及下文who fish for sport可知,当谈及专注时,至少有三种渔民fishermen。


7.A.quickly      B.purely      C.carefully   D.sadly

解析:由本空前catch and release可知,这些渔民当即(quickly)把钓到的鱼再放生。


8.A.wealth      B.energy      C.promise   D.pleasure



9.A.color      B.beauty      C.taste   D.price

解析:根据下文eat someday判断:他们只对某种鱼感兴趣,他们的垂钓有选择性,他们只钓那些适合自己口味(taste)的鱼。


10.A.weak      B.greedy      C.lazy   D.hungry

解析:由下句have nothing to eat可知,最后,还有一种人纯粹是为了生计。如果钓不到鱼,他们就会挨饿(hungry)。


11.A.temporally      B.seldom

C.fully          D.gradually

在高中复习阶段,大家一定要多练习题,掌握考题的规律,掌握常考的知识,这样有助于提高大家的分数。常梦网为大家整理了Unit 3单元综合训练,供大家参考。