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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-06-10 阅读:


一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

(   )1. — I have _______present for my mother’s birthday.

— Really? What’s _____ present?

A. a; a     B. a; the       C. the; a      D. the; the

(   )2. 请从下列单词中找出含有音素/au/的一个:

A. young       B. shout       C. enjoy       D. window

(   )3. Look at the picture! There are 12 children_____ the table.

A. between

B. beside

C. around

D. under

(   )4. — Mr Lee, why do the Chinese people like red so much?

— It’s a good _____. Because red is the colour of good luck in China.

A. answer      B. idea        C. question      D. festival

(   )5. _____Christmas, we usually have a big dinner. The dinner is usually _____ the evening of December 24th.

A. At; in      B. At; on         C. On; in       D. In; on

(   )6. We have a party  _____ a present for my grandparents.

A. for      B. about       C. as       D. to

(   )7. My family have two parties every winter. One is for my birthday, and _____s for Christmas.

A. other      B. another        C. others      D. the other

(   )8. — Do we need a map of the city?

— No. I have an e-map in my phone, so it is not _____ to take a map.

A. easy     B. difficult        C. important      D. interesting

(   )9. — Are you going to Jane’s Halloween party?

— I am going to the party _____my mother says OK.

A. if      B. because        C. but       D. so

(   )10. —_____is your uncle?

— He is an Art teacher.

A. Who      B. Where         C. How      D. What

(   )11. Andy wants to _____ fireworks. Tell him to be careful.

A. let on      B. let out        C. let in       D. let off

(   )12. —_____do you celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival?

— Families get together and we eat rice dumplings.

A. Why     B. What       C. Who      D. How

(   )13. Children always get _____from their parents on the Spring Festival.

A. good masks B. moon cakes   C. red packets  D. rice dumplings

(   )14. — Where do you often have the Halloween parade (游行)?

—  _____.

A. On Saturdays  B. In the streets      C. Every week    D. With my friends

(   )15. — Tom, don’t play any tricks on me. I don’t like them.


A. That’s OK.

B. Sorry, I won’t.

C. Why not?

D. You are welcome.

二. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

The Art Festival in our school comes in November. It starts on    16    Monday of November, and lasts (持续) a whole    17   , so we have no lessons for seven days. This year, it is on November 7. And now we are    18    because we must get ready for it.

The Art Festival show is usually    19    Monday afternoon. At the show, students and teachers sing and dance. And many parents come to    20    the show. This year, our class will dance at the show.    21    is a Uigurian (维吾尔族) dance. We will dance in special    22   .

Girls wear long dresses and boys wear special    23    on their heads. We must    24    hard.

And there is also a painting competition (竞赛) for the festival. I    25    my painting can get a prize (奖) .

(   )16. A. one      B. the first       C. the third     D. the last (最后的)

(   )17. A. month     B. day       C. year      D. week

(   )18. A. happy       B. busy       C. free       D. early

(   )19. A. on       B. at        C. in       D. from

(   )20. A. see       B. read       C. look       D. watch

(   )21. A. It        B. This        C. She       D. He

(   )22. A. way       B. time       C. clothes      D. music

(   )23. A. hats      B. dresses      C. scarves      D. skirts

(   )24. A. think      B. sing       C. study      D. practise

(   )25. A. like       B. hope       C. want      D. need

三. 阅读理解 (每小题2分,共20分)


I’m Li Hao from China. I love autumn, because the Mid-Autumn Festival is in this season. We watch the moon and tell stories about Chang’e and Wu Gang on that day. My mother buys many moon cakes, and I eat a lot of them.

National Day (国庆节) is also in autumn. It’s on October 1st. My parents needn’t work for seven days. We can do many things together. I like going to the National Day celebration. The best thing in autumn is my birthday. It’s in October, too.

In Canada (加拿大), we have an autumn holiday called Thanksgiving Day. Family members always celebrate Thanksgiving together. I often go to my grandparents’ house on that day. My uncles, aunts and their children are there, too.

Canadian Thanksgiving is in early October. But in the USA, Thanksgiving is in late November.

(   )26. How long do Li Hao’s parents rest for National Day?

A. For three days. B. For five days.     C. For seven days. D. For ten days.

(   )27. The best thing for Li Hao in autumn is     .

A. National Day      B. Thanksgiving Day

C. the Mid-Autumn Festival     D. his birthday

(   )28. People in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving in     .

A. September B. October   C. November   D. December

(   )29. What do Canadians usually do on Thanksgiving Day?

A. Get together.

B. Eat cakes.

C. Watch the moon.

D. Sing songs.

(   )30. _____is not in autumn.

A. Chinese National Day

B. The Mid-Autumn Festival

C. Christmas

D. Canadian Thanksgiving Day


Today is Danny’s sixth birthday. He goes to see his friend, the dinosaur (恐龙) in the park. “Would you like to come to my birthday party?” says Danny. “I’d like to,” says the dinosaur. So they go to Danny’s home together.

On the way home, they pick up (接) many of Danny’s friends. “Today I’m 100, 000,000 years and 1 day old,” says the dinosaur. How great!

The children and the dinosaur have a good time at the party. They put on party hats. Danny’s parents give each child some ice cream. They give the dinosaur more. The dinosaur tells some interesting stories and the children enjoy them a lot.

“Here comes the birthday cake!” say the children. “What’s your wish, Danny?” “I hope the dinosaur and I are together at a party again next year,” says Danny.

“I wish the same thing,” says the dinosaur. They blow out the candles (蜡烛) together.

(   )31. Danny has a birthday party _____ .

A. at school    B. in the park

C. at his home     D. at the dinosaur’s home

(   )32. _____go(es) to Danny’s party.

A. Few friends  B. Many friends

C. No friends   D. Only the dinosaur

(   )33. The children enjoy _____at the party.

A. dancing  B. listening to stories

C. ice cream   D. listening to music

(   )34. The dinosaur is about _____  old.

A. six years

B. 100,000 years

C. 100,000,000 years

D. six years and a day

(   )35. The dinosaur’s wish is to _____  .

A. eat some ice cream next year

B. have a birthday party with Danny next year

C. be with Danny every day

D. be with all the children every day

四. 填空 (每小题1分,共15分)

A. 根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成英语句子。

36. What is this bottle _____(满的) of?

37. I would like to  _____(用颜料涂) my face for Halloween.

38. This is Tom’s first time to watch the  _____狮子) Dance.

39. The girl _____ (好像) to be from Japan.

40. My _____(祖父母) don’t live with us.

B. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. I have only two candies. I want _____ (many).

42. There are many old _____ (radio) in the museum.

43. Thanks for  _____(share) your moon cakes with me.

44. My aunt _____(dress) my 2-year-old cousin every morning.

45. Halloween is many _____ (child) favourite festival.

C. 从方框里选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空。

find out, get … ready, on TV, get together, red packet

46. I usually get many  _____ on the first day of the Chinese New Year.

47. It’s time _____ the food _____for the party.

48. It takes me about half an hour _____ the right answer.

49. There are lots of good films  _____ during the Spring Festival.

50. We are looking forward to _____ with our uncles and aunts.

五. 阅读下面的材料,根据所给的首字母提示,用合适的单词填空。 (每小题1分,共10分)

Dear Mum and Dad,

Merry Christmas!

I’m (51) s_____ I can’t go back to be with you. I am busy with my lessons at school now.  I will (52) c _____ Christmas with my friends at a party this evening. Christmas is one of the most important festivals in China, too.

In my eyes, Christmas is a family festival. At Christmas, people (53) s_____go out. We like to stay at home and enjoy a good family time. (54) F_____ shops are open on that day. People close their shops (55) b_____ they value (珍惜) the time with their family.

But here in China, things are (56) d_____. Christmas is a festival for young people. Young boys and girls buy (57) p_____ for each other. They have a big (58) d_____  in nice restaurants. And shops all have big sales (促销). It is a time for shops to make (59) m_____. Of course, there are parties, too. But there are (60) o_____young people at these parties.

I will show you some photos of our party tomorrow.

Love you,


六. 根据要求完成下列句子。每空一词。 (每小题3分,共15分)

61. She has a party to celebrate her birthday. (对划线部分提问)

_____celebrate her birthday?

62. I’d like the mask beside the lantern. (对划线部分提问)

_____you like?

63. 聚会时间是12月31号的晚上。(完成句子)

The party is _____of December 31st.

64. 我想给他们包些饺子作为招待。(完成句子)

I want to make some dumplings for them  _____.

65. 我们给这个南瓜灯拍张照吧。(完成句子)

Let’s  _____ of the pumpkin lantern.

七. 书面表达 (15分)




