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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-09 阅读:



1.Ben's uncle ______(eat)carrots every day.

2.My sister wants ______(be) healthy.

3.Are these your ______(strawberry)?

4.Let's ______(have)chicken for dinner.

5.Three ____ __(tomato)are on the table.

6.Eric ______(have)bread for lunch.

7.Sports star eats ______(good).

8.He has two ______(watch).

9.I like ______(salad).

10.The boy likes ______(play)tennis.


1.—______your grandmother watch TV in the evening?

—______.She doesn't like watching TV.

A.Does;No,she doesn't    B.Doesn't;Yes,she doesn't

C.Does;Yes,she does      D.Doesn't;No,she does

2.—Tom likes eggs______ breakfast.

—I don't like eggs at all.

A.with          B.in

C.for         D.by

3.—Lin Ming ______baseball.He plays chess(国际象棋).

—Oh,it isn't good for him.

A.don't play       B.doesn't play

C.doesn't have       D.don't have

4.—Some chicken ______on the table;help yourself!(随便吃点)

—Thank you very much.

A.has        B.have

C.is         D.are

5.—What do you and your cousin ______?

—I______a baseball and my cousin______two volleyballs.

A.have;has;have    B.have;have;have

C.has;have;has    D.have;have;has

6.—What do you have for breakfast?

—______ egg.

A.A          B.An

C.The        D./

7.Do you eat ______ at school?

A.well        B.good

C.nice        D.fun

8.I like carrots,and I eat ______ for breakfast.

A.it         B.they

C.them        D.us

9.Let's ______ to school,OK?

A.go         B.goes

C.to go        D.going

10.—Do you like chicken?


A.Yes,I do       B.No,I' m not

C.Yes,he does      D.No,she doesn't

11.Mary______ salad.

A.don't like       B.doesn't like

C.doesn't likes       D.like

12.There is some ______ on the plate(盘子).

A.oranges        B.bread

C.bananas        D.tomatoes

13.We should eat ______ food.

A.unhealth       B.healthy

C.health        D.unhealthy

14.My brother ______ an apple.

A.want eat       B.wants eating

C.wants to eat       D.wants eat

15.What does he ______ the food?

A.think of        B.thinks of

C.thinks about       D.thinking about


My name is Sandra.I have a brother.__1__name is Tom.We like different(不同的)sports.I like playing__2__.It is fun.I like tennis,too.__3__I don't like basketball.It is __4__. My brother__5__basketball.He has four basketballs.He__6__basketball every day.We like different__7__.I like eggs,apples and hamburgers__8__breakfast and dinner.For dessert(甜食),I like__9__.Tom likes oranges,chicken and carrots.We are__10__because(因为)we often play sports and eat good food.

1.A.He         B.She       C.Her     D.His

2.A.volleyball   B.TV       C.watch   D.oranges

3.A.And     B.With       C.But    D.Of

4.A.fun     B.difficult     C.interesting   D.fine

5.A.likes    B.don't like      C.like    D.doesn't like

6.A.looks     B.knows       C.plays   D.has

7.A.food     B.books       C.colors    D.classes

8.A.in      B.on          C.for       D.at

9.A.hamburgers   B.chicken      C.bread    D.ice¬cream

10.A.boring    B.healthy       C.great    D.relaxing



Tom:Good evening,Mum.

Mum:Good evening,Tom.

Tom:Do we eat chicken for dinner,Mum?

Mum:No,we eat fish and carrots,dear.

Tom:Mum,I don't like carrots.I like chicken.

Mum:But we need more vegetables,not only meat.It's not healthy to eat chicken every day.

Tom:OK.But dad likes chicken,too.

Mum:Well,let's eat chicken and tomatoes tomorrow.

Tom:That sounds great!

1.What do they eat for dinner?

A.Chicken.        B.Carrots.

C.Carrots and fish.       D.Fish.

2.What does Tom want to eat for dinner?

A.Fish.         B.Chicken.

C.Broccoli.        D.Carrots.

3.What do they need to eat more?

A.Chicken.        B.Meat.

C.Vegetables.        D.Fish.

4.Does Tom's father like chicken?

A.No,he doesn't.      B.Yes,he does.

C.We don't know.      D.No,he does.

5.What will they eat tomorrow?

A.Fish and carrots.     B.Chicken and fish.

C.Chicken and carrots.      D.Tomatoes and chicken.


Jane is a school girl.She is twelve.She studies at a middle school.She is in Grade Seven.She is a good girl.Jane gets up at seven in the morning.Then she has her breakfast.For breakfast she has eggs and a cup of milk.She doesn't have tea for breakfast.

After breakfast Jane goes to school.At twelve she comes home from school.She has lunch with her mother.For lunch she has hamburgers and salad.She likes salad,but she doesn't like hamburgers.

At seven she has supper with her father and mother.They have chicken and vegetables.Her father likes chicken,but Jane doesn't.

6.Jane is a school girl in a ______.

A.primary school       B.middle school

C.university        D.college

7.Jane has ______ for breakfast.

A.eggs and a cup of milk    B.eggs and tea

C.tea and milk      D.vegetables

8.Jane comes home______.

A.in the morning       B.at noon

C.at night         D.in the evening

9.Jane likes to eat______ for lunch.

A.hamburgers         B.milk

C.salad        D.eggs

10.Jane has dinner with______.

A.her mother       B.her parent

C.her father        D.her parents


Mary is my cousin.She is only nine years old(岁).She is in Class 2,Grade 4.She likes sports.(A)She plays baseball every day. Her math teacher is Mrs.Brown.Mrs.Brown has a daughter.Her name is Mona.She is Mary's good friend.She is nine,too.(B)And she likes sports,too. But she doesn't like playing baseball.She likes playing ping¬pong.(C)她有九个乒乓球。She(D)______ some ping¬pong balls to school every day.




14.回答问题:Does Mona like playing baseball?



A.is    B.has       C.takes   D.take





