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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-03-13 阅读:



Ⅰ. 听力(10分)


(Ⅱ)录音中有一篇短文,听两遍后, 完成句子。(5分)

1. The students go to the zoo on ___________, October 2.

2. Mr. Smith and ___________ students go to the zoo.

3. They go to the zoo by ___________.

4. The weather is ___________.

5. The monkeys are ___________ on a hill.

Ⅱ. 单项选择(20分)

1. —How do you get to school?

—I _______ my bike to school.

A. take   B. ride   C. by    D. rides

2. That lion in the zoo feels _______. Look! He _______ over there.

A. happy; is sleeping    B. happy; sleeps

C. tired; is sleeping     D. tired; sleeps

3. _______. It’s time for class. Let’s _______ English!

A. Don’t talk; read    B. Don’t talk; reading

C. Doesn’t talk; read    D. Doesn’t talk; reading

4. —Can you tell us the way _______ the zoo?

—Sure. Go down this street and turn right _______ the supermarket.

A. for; on      B. for; at

C. to; on      D. to; at

5. —_______ the pants?

—99 yuan.

A. How many is    B. How many are

C. How much is       D. How much are

6. The lion is lonely. He has no friends _______.

A. play with       B. to play with

C. play to          D. to play to

7. —What does he often do on the farm?

—He_______ the animals and _______ vegetables.

A. pick; feed     B. feed; pick

C. feeds; picks       D. picks; feeds

8. Linda _______ her T-shirt. But she doesn’t _______ it.

A. is looking for; found  B. looks for; find out

C. looks for; find       D. is looking for; find out

9. —Is the elephant sleeping?

—_______ He is dreaming.

A. Yes, he is.      B. No, he isn’t.

C. Yes, he does.      D. No, doesn’t.

10. —What can I do for you?

—_______ I’d like to buy a jacket.

A. No, thanks.     B. You’re welcome.

C. Yes, please.      D. You can help me.

Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)

Animals are our friends. We should try to protect them. I like animals. Do you like  1  ? What’s your favorite animal? Let me  2   you what animals our family members like. My father likes the  3   very much. He thinks the tiger is strong (强壮) and the king of the beasts (兽中之王). My favorite animal is the panda. The panda is  4   China. She is very cute. She likes   5  bamboo. I  6   the tiger. I think the tiger is too scary (可怕的). My mother likes animals, too. She keeps some  7  , ducks and pigs in our yard (院子). The chickens and ducks can lay eggs. They like to   8   around in the yard. But the pigs don’t like to walk. They like to   9  very much. And they also like to eat. They sleep and eat a lot. My grandparents keep some cows and  10  . After breakfast, my grandfather takes them out and goes back home in the afternoon. We all like to make friends with animals.

1. A. it   B. they    C. them   D. she

2. A. tell    B. say    C. telling   D. to tell

3. A. lion   B. tiger    C. monkey    D. panda

4. A. to   B. with    C. for     D. from

5. A. take  B. eat     C. taking   D. eating

6. A. like  B. love    C. don’t like  D. likes

7. A. chickens      B. chicken

C. dogs       D. dog

8. A. running      B. walk

C. drink       D. ask

9. A. sleep  B. sleeping   C. buy    D. ride

10. A. pig  B. duck   C. sheep   D. sheeps

Ⅳ. 阅读理解(10分)

Jim works in a big shop. It is near a school. Every day many people come to the shop to buy things.

Jim’s home is far from the shop. He usually gets up at five, has breakfast and then goes to work by car. He puts some food in his lunch box.

In the middle(中间)of the day he has lunch in the shop. He works hard like other people. They close the shop at seven in the evening. Jim tidies(收拾)things up and then drives home for supper.

1. Jim is a_______.

A. teacher      B. doctor

C. driver      D. shop clerk

2. Is Jim’s home far from his shop?

A. Yes, it is.      B. No, it isn’t.

C. No, it is.      D. Yes, it isn’t.

3. How does Jim go to work?

A. By bus.      B. By car.

C. On a train.      D. By bike.

4. Where does he have lunch?

A. At home.      B. In the shop.

C. In his car.      D. At school.

5. When does the shop close?

A. At seven in the evening.

B. At seven in the morning.

C. At six in the evening.

D. At five in the afternoon.


Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)

(Ⅰ) 根据句意及首字母或汉语或图片提示完成单词 (5分)

1. Look at the t _______light. It’s green. We can go.

2. I think the most beautiful driver(最美司机) Wu Bin is a real h_______.

3. —What can we l_______ from the movie?

—The history of China.

4. If you don’t get up now, you will _______ (错过) the early bus.

5. There are five _______ (百) students in our school.

(Ⅱ)用所给词的适当形式填空 (5分)

6. Don’t _______ (fight) with your classmates. We should be friendly to others.

7. Look! The doctors _______ (save) the boy. I hope he will be better soon.

8. The most beautiful woman teacher, Zhang Lili is very_______ (friend) to her students.

9. —What are you doing this weekend?

—I am going swimming. Would you like _______  (go) with me?

10. —How much _______ (be) the gloves?

—5 yuan.

Ⅵ. 句型转换(10分)

1. What do you often do on the weekend? (用now改写句子)

What _______ you _______ now?

2. Turn left at the traffic lights. (改为否定句)

_______ _______ left at the traffic lights.

3. The monkeys are eating fruit. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ the monkeys _______ fruit?

4. What’s the price of the potatoes? (改为同义句)

_______ _______ are the potatoes?

5. May I help you? (改为同义句)

_______ can I do _______ you?

Ⅶ. 补全对话(10分)


A: What are you doing over there?

B: Yes, sometimes I go to see movies.

C: How does he save Panpan?

D: The movie is about a dinosaur.

E: What do you often do on the weekend?

F: Can you tell me something about it?

G: Yes, I like to swim in the river.

A: Hi, Zhang Li!

B: Hello, Wang Mei!

A:   1

B: I usually watch TV, do homework and read some books.

A: Do you go to the movie theatre?

B:   2

A: I like to see movies. Last Saturday, I watched a movie.

B:   3

A: Sure.   4   His name is Kung Fu Dinosaur.

B: What does he do?

A: He wants to save Panpan the Panda.

B:   5

A: He fights the bad man and gets help from the elephants, lions and tigers.

B: That sounds interesting.

1._______  2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______

Ⅷ. 短文填空(10分)

从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空, 使短文完整、通顺

sleep,  pick,  family,  play,  watch,

about,  they,  tired,  eat,  feed

John is a boy. He is thirteen years old. There are six people in his  1  . They are his grandparents, his parents, his sister and he. Today is Sunday and it’s eight o’clock in the morning. What are  2   doing? Well, his grandmother is  3  . She is  4  . Maybe she is dreaming. His grandfather is  5  bananas. He is hungry. His mother is watching TV. She loves to   6   movies on TV. His father is   7  the dog. He loves the dog and he often  8   with the dog. His sister is singing in her room. She is very happy. What  9  John? What is he doing? He is  10   apples in the garden. How happy they are!

1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ______

Ⅸ. 书面表达(10分)

1. 假设你叫Linda, 是一名学生;

2. 周日你和父母去动物园参观;

3. 列举你看到的一些动物;

4. 描述其中的一些动物。

要求: 40词左右。语言流畅,用词准确。


