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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-02-28 阅读:



There is a popular club in many US schools. It’s the Homework Club. More and more students spend their afternoons at these clubs.

Games, computers and TVs are all around kids at home, so the Homework Club is just for them to do their homework in a quiet place. Teachers there can answer students’ questions and help with their homework. If students finish their homework on time, they will get a snack. It’s always children’s favorite food.

Here’s some information of a homework club. Let’s learn something about it!


Each session (阶段) is four weeks long, Monday through Thursday. You may attend one, two, three or four days a week. The Homework Club takes place in the Bay Laurel Library.

Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Wednesday: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Fees (费用)

4 days a week ........ $150.00/session

3 days a week ........  $125.00/session

2 days a week .... ... $100.00/session

1 day a week .......... $75.00/session

(   ) 26.Students go to the Homework Club because _______.

A. they can make friends there

B. they can’t find a place to play

C. they need a quiet place to study

D. they can eat favorite food there

(   ) 27.The underlined word “snack” means _______ in Chinese.

A. 证书 B. 点心

C. 奖状 D. 假期

(   ) 28.You can go home from the Homework Club after _______ on Tuesday.

A. 1:30 pm  B. 2:30 pm

C. 3:00 pm  D. 4:00 pm

(   ) 29.Which of the following is TRUE according to the form (表格)?

A. The Homework Club is in the Bay Laurel Lab.

B. You can attend the Homework Club on Friday.

C. You can go to the Homework Club at 3:00 pm on Wednesday.

D. You’ll spend $100 for a session if you attend the club 2 days a  week.

(   ) 30.Where can we read the passage?

A. In a guidebook.

B. In a storybook.

C. In a students’ magazine.

D. In a science magazine.


A. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式完成下面的句子。

31. These three ___________ (visit) are all from Russia.

32. Grandma left the room without _______ (finish) the rice in the bowl.

33. Cathy has got two ___________ (old) brothers. They are handsome (英俊的).

34. I enjoyed ___________ (oneself) with my friends at the party yesterday.

35. They ___________ (build) a Hope Primary School in the village last year.


36. I asked if she could help me and she n_______ (点头).

37. After they kept working for years, they were s_______ (成功的) at last.

38. Little Tommy went to school w_______ (没有) breakfast this morning.

39. You have to c_______ (比较) the prices of the two coats.

40. You can travel through the city by u_______ (地铁).

六、 情景交际(10分)


A: Good afternoon! (41)_________

B: I’d like to buy an MP4 for my English study.

A: We have many here. (42)_________

B: This one looks nice. (43)_________

A: It’s 1, 000 yuan.

B: (44)_________ Have you got any cheaper ones?

A: Sure. This red one costs only 200 yuan.

B: OK. (45)_________ Here is the money.

A: Thanks.

A. How much is it?

B. I will take it.

C. Can I try it on?

D. Can I help you?

E. What size do you take?

F. That’s too expensive.

G. Which one do you like?



Lucy sent a QQ message on her phone on Sunday evening. It read, “What a boring weekend!   I stayed at home for two days. Tomorrow is Monday. And I don’t want to go to school. Tell me w hat you did this weekend.”

Soon, she got two replies (回复).

Bob: “I went to a farm and picked strawberries with Jenny. We had a lot of fun. Don’t envy (羡慕) us too much!I brought some strawberries back for you. I’ll take them to you tomorrow.”

Maria: “I had a really busy weekend — cleaning the house on Saturday, and helping my brother with his maths homework on Sunday. I feel so tired now.”

(   )46. Lucy’s weekend was boring.

(   )47. Bob went to the farm all alone.

(   )48. Bob picked some apples on the farm.

(   )49. Maria cleaned the house on Saturday.

(   )50. Maria didn’t have anything to do on Sunday.


下面是大头儿子图图星期天的计划,请根据 下面表格中的内容,写一篇短文对此进行介绍。

星期六上午 跟妈妈去超市,给自己买一件小号的T恤

星期六下午 在家看郑渊洁写的故事

星期日上午 跟爸爸去剧院听古典音乐

星期日下午 跟同学们一起去公园收集垃圾


1. 条理清楚、意思连贯、语句通顺、标点正确。

2. 60-70词。



