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作者:小梦 来源: 网络 时间: 2024-01-10 阅读:




1.Yesterday I             (睡过头了), I was late for school.

2.Alexander Graham Bell i ________ the telephone in 1876.

3.Do you know how to o______ on the machine?

4.Have you b_____ the baby’s milk yet?

5.The doctor didn’t                   (披露) the truth to him.

B.短文填空。( 10分 )

Dogs are very lovely pets. They are very ____1____ to people and very beautiful, too. Most dogs get on well with ____2____ and their pare nts. Others are god watch-dogs because they cry loudly when a ____3____ person arrives.

When you buy a dog, an important thing to think about is its ____4____ buy a small dog if your home is small and a bigger one if ____5____ is larger. Many people don't know how much to feed their dog. Dogs eat ____6____ anything! They like meat, rice and lots of other things. You can buy lots of food _____7____ for clogs in shops. Don't let your dog eat too much. Feed it o nly once a day. Always ____8____ water for your dog. It can get ____9____ very quickly, especially in summer.

Remember that dogs need ____10____ You should take it for a walk every day. Don't keep your dog inside all day.



1.By the time I wanted to pay for this sweater, I found I           my money in the pocket.

A. lost      B. have lost       C . had lost        D. lose

2. I was         by his comments about my clothes.

A. exausted  B. embrassed     C. embrassing     D. hungry

3. I woke up late this morning. I     to get to school on time.

A. have to rush        B. had to rush

C. have to run        D. had rushed

4. He       as quickly as possible because he didn’t want to be late.

A. took a sh ower      B. take a shower

C. take shower        D. took shower

5. By the time I got outside, the bus     already

A. has…left    B. had…left      C. has…leave     D. had…leave

6. The abacus _____ invented in t he  sixth century by Chinese people.

A. be   B. is  C. was  D. were

7. It’s used for ______ really cold ice cream.

A. scooping  B. scooped  C. scoop  D. scoops

8. Anna is ______ to choose her own clothes.

A. allowed B. allows  C. allowing  D. allow

9. I don’t like eating chocolate. The taste is too ______.

A. crispy  B. salty  C. sour  D. sweet

10. This kind of food is cooked by a cook _____ Jack.

A. call     b. calls     C. called    D. calling

B.句型转换  (10分)

1. The League was founded in Guangzhou in 1922.(就划线部分提问)

________ _______ ________ _______ the League________?

2. Did the students wear the school clothes a lot?(变为被动语态)

________ the school clothes________ a lot?

3. Kate. took good care of the baby yesterday evening.(变为被动语态)

The baby________ _______ _______ well by Kate yesterday evening.

4. His sister had already read some books before she went to school. (改为否定句)

His sister ______ _____ _____ books ______ before she went to the school.

5. If you get up early, you'll catch the early bus. (同义句转换)

_____ you get up early, ______ you ______ miss the early bus.



I______ have a rest _________work today.


He didn’t run ___________ to catch the bus.

3 她很激动,因为她真的想结婚。

She was          because she really wanted _______ ________ ______.

4. 这个故事有一个很令人高兴的结尾。

This story has                                          .

5. 很幸运,我的朋友Tony和他的爸爸开车过来了。

,my friend Tony and his dad                  in his dad’s car.



A: What do you do in the evening, Bill?

B: 1______

A: Which programs do you like best on TV?

B: News and sports. How about you, Claire?

A: Unfortunately I don't have TV sets, 2______I also read newspapers.

B: Do you read everything in the newspaper?

A:  No. I hate the advertisements in it.

B: 3_____

A: There are also too many advertisements on the radios.

B: 4_____You needn't read the advertisements in the newspaper, b ut you can't avoid them with TV and the radio.

A: 5_____

B: You are right.

A. I have to listen to the radio to know what is happening in the world.

B. So do I.

C. Either you turn them off or you have to p ut up with them.

D. It is the same with TV.

E. I read  newspapers and watch TV every evening.


A.完形填空 (10分)

The bicycle is one of the simplest (最简单的) yet most useful inventions in the world. What  is most surprising is that it was not invented earlier,  l   the great inventor Leonardo da Vinci had drawn pictures for bicycles and also for flying machines and some other things. Those things  were not produced  2   long after he died.

A person riding a bicycle use  3   energy(能量)to make the bicycle move, and there is no pollution at all when you are riding. Even so, m developed  4  , most people don't travel to  work by bicycle. It is not because the bicycles are expensive or people feel   5   if they ride to  work. It's because  6   cars on the roads becomes larger. It certainly becomes  7   to ride a bi-cycle. As a result, more people put their bicycles away and go to work  8   their cars and, in this way, the situation(情形)is made more serious.  9   the best way to make riding safer and more popular is to create paths(开设通道)only for bicycles, and to make  10  so difficult and expensive for drivers to take their cars into the city that they will go back to use their bicycles.

1  A.although       B.so           C.but          D.because

2  A.when         B.before         C.since         D.until

3  A.much         B.quite a lot of    C.very little     D.many

4  A.world         B.countries       C.1and         D.earth

5  A.comfortable    B.1ucky         C.sorry         D.tired

6  A.the number of   B.a number of    C.this kind of    D.an kinds of

7  A.safer          B.more dangerous  C.much dangerous  D.safe

8  A.by             B.in             C.use         D.drive

9  A. Always        B.May be          C.Perhaps          D.Nearly

10  A.it             B.them            C.us            D.that


Jan Mela isn’t like most kids .Two years ago , he lost an arm and a leg .But that didn’t stop him .

On Saturday ,the 15—year-old boy from Poland(波兰)walked to the North Pole(北极)without any help.

“If I can do it ,other people can do great things ,too ,” Mela said before he went.

Polish newspapers said Mela is the youngest person and the first handicapped(残疾的)person to walk to the North Pole.

How did Mela lose an arm and a leg ? He had an electrical(电的)accident .Now , he walks with the help of a 62,000-yuan man-made leg.

After the accident , Mela felt sad for himself . But he didn’t lose hope .One day ,he met Marek Kaminski ,a Polish explorer . Eight years ago ,Kaminski went to the North Pole and the South Pole in the same year .Mela wanted to see the North Pole ,too . So Mela asked Kaminski if they could go together next time .Kaminski said yes!

It took Mela 21 days to get to the North Pole .The last three or four days were really hard because of bad weather .But Mela kept going .

“I didn’t think we would make it ,” he said , “Then ,things got better.”

1.What happened to Mela two years ago?

2.Why did Polish newspapers report the travel to the North Pole?

3.How does Mela walk after the accident?

4.Where did Kaminski go eight years ago?

5.Why did Mela make the travel?

C.阅读短文,将下列句子还原到文章中. (10分)

From a plane we can see the fields, cities, mountains or seas below. ___1___. People

and man-made satellites have been sent out into space to look at the earth carefully and peep!,' have learnt more about the earth in the last few years.

The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it.___2___.

___3___. It nearly covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. There is one place and at that place the sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If that mountain was put into the sea at that place ,there would be still 2 kilometers of water above it!

In most part of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and plants, Some live near the top of the sea. Others live deep down. ___4___.

___5___. When people go down, the sea becomes colder and colder. Only some men go

down into the deep sea. But, in 1970, five women scientists lived in deep sea for fourteen days.

A. The sea is very big.

B. The sea can be very cold.

C. There are also a lot of small living things, and lots of fishes live by eating them.

D. But it can be very terrible when there is a strong wind.

E. If we go into space, we see more and more of the earth.


A. 根据实际情况, 使用下列短语写出至少五条你们家的家规。(最好用不同句型,每个短语只能用一次。)(8分)。

get up   be late for school     clean one's  room       wear our own clothes

not watch TV   finish homework   study with friends   get one's ears pierced

come back home in time after school    have breakfast at home


2.____ _____________________________________________________________





票  价 开  放  时  间

成  人 80元/人 星期一—星期五


1.20米以上儿童 40元/人 星期六—星期天


1.20米以下儿童 免  费

(注:成人  adult )

Guangzhou Zoo is the largest one in our city.

常梦网为大家推荐的(精品)初三年级下册英语期末质量检测题 ,还满意吗?相信大家都会仔细阅读,考出一个满意的成绩,加油哦!


